When Is A Blower Door Test Required?
We conduct the blower door test at the end of the construction process, after all the windows, doors, drywall, flooring and trim has been installed. This is done to ensure that the building is as tight as possible and the best results can be achieved.
A blower door test is conducted to ensure an acceptable amount of air leakage escapes from the building to the outside. As air escapes the building envelope new air infiltrates the building which then needs to be reheated or cooled resulting in energy loss.
Pennsylvania has addopted the 2015 IECC, (International Energy Coservation Code) for all new single residential dwellings in the state. For multi unit buildings the 2018 IECC codes will apply. Philadelphia and South Eastern Pennsylvania sit in climate zone 4 which allow for a maximum of 3 air changes per hour according to the IECC. However, the State of Pennsylvania has amended the requirement to allow for up to 5 air changes per hour.
Although the law in Pennsylvania requires blower door testing it has not been widely enforced in the Philadelphia area. If a building inspector requires you to have a blower door test done you should keep in mind that he is simply doing his job in accordance with the laws of the state.
Local Energy Audits conducts blower door and duct leakage testing throughout the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area.