Blower Door Test Delaware

Welcome to Local Energy Audits My name is Ori and I am certified to conduct Blower Door Testing. As you may know the State of Delaware has adopted the 2018 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) to require a Blower Door Testing for all new residential dwelling units in the state. If any part of the HVAC system such as the Air Handler or the Ductwork sit outside of the buildings’ thermal envelope a Duct Leakage Testing may be required as well. 

From Wilmington, Newark, Bear, Dover, to Middletown, Glasgow, Hockessin and Smyrna and everything in between we are a quick and affordable solution for your DE blower door testing needs!

Need a Blower Door Test in DE? We conduct Blower Door Testing Anywhere in Delaware Call Us @ (302) 3087771

As of 2018 Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware has begun enforcement of the 2015 IECC, Internation Energy Conservation Codes requiring Blower Door Tests and Duct Leakage Tests and I am conducting these for contractors in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs. If you run into this and require my services don’t hesitate to give me a call. I price my services fairly and provide discounts for multi system and multi unit buildings. I carry practical tools on the truck like duct seal, tape, chalk, weatherstripping and spray foam. I always do what I can to achieve successful results.

A Blower Door Test is conducted by installing a frame onto a central door in the home and attaching a fan to the door. The fan depressurizes the home to a Pascal of 50. Once the home is depressurized we use an instrument called a nanometer to measure the difference in air pressure between the outside of the home and the inside of the home. We get results in ACH or air changes per hour. This is the amount of time air leaks a home and new air enters the home in an hour. All homes leak and thats normal but keeping air changes to an acceptable amount is important since each air change creates a need to reheat or cool the new air.
