Blower Door Test Rentals
It seem some people are searching for a blower door test rental. We often get calls from home owners or contractors who would like to rent our equipment. Unfortunately we don’t offer a rental on any of our machines for three very important reasons:
Our machines are very expensive to purchase and are delicate to transport. We make every effort to take good care of our equipment so that we can use it to take care of our customers. Rental equipment usually gets banged around quite a bit and this is not the type of equipment we’d like to have banged around. It’s very delicate.
In order to properly perform a blower door test and use the equipment there is extensive training required. Unfortunately this is not something ready to use out of the box and handed out with a set of instructions. Now it’s not rocket science but we have been performing these tests for years and we have the knowledge on how to use them.
In order to use a blower door test and issue a certified results you have to be accredited by a professional organization. We have went through the training and accreditation process and are able to provide these results to inspectors and the city in order to close out building permits.
Although there are people requesting to rent the blower door testing equipment there is not much you can do with it unless you know how to use it and are accredited by an organization and able to issue certified 3rd party results.