Blower Door Test Delaware
Whether you are located in Wilmington, Dover, Newark, Middletown, Milford, Smyrna or anywhere in the State of Delaware our team of experienced blower door technicians can help you ensure that your building envelope is tight and efficient and get you compliant with local codes and regulations.
- Save energy
- Reduce operating costs
- Improve indoor air quality
- Increase comfort
- Extend the life of your HVAC system
- Become code compliant and meet regulations
Do you know how much energy your home is wasting through air leaks? Even a small leak can lead to significant energy losses. That’s where Local Energy Audits comes in. We offer blower door testing services to help you find and fix air leaks in your DE home.
We serve the entire state of Delaware and perform regular work in the following cities:
- Wilmington, DE
- Dover, DE
- Newark, DE
- Middletown, DE
- Milford, DE
- Smyrna, DE
Blower door testing is a process of measuring the air leakage rate of a building. A blower door is a fan that is installed in an exterior door or window. The fan creates a negative pressure inside the building, which forces air to leak in through any cracks or gaps in the building envelope. The amount of air that leaks in is measured, and this information is used to calculate the air leakage rate.
For contractors looking for a blower door test In most cases if a house has been insulated professionally those issues can easily be resolved with chalk and spray foam on site during the testing process. Over 90% of the time we can achieve a passing score within two hours and will issue the necessary paperwork to close out the building permit.