Duct Leakage Test Mickleton, NJ

Mickleton, NJ has implemented a new requirement for both a Duct Leakage Test and a Blower Door Test in newly constructed or remodeled homes. Local Energy Audits performs Duct Leakage Testing in Mickleton, NJ for homeowners and builders seeking the completion of building permits.

Why Duct Leakage Testing Matters in Mickleton, NJ

Efficient heating and cooling is linked to the smooth operation of the intricate system of ducts, which distributes conditioned air throughout your home. But, leaky ducts permit the loss of valuable conditioned air, affecting both the comfort and efficiency of your home. Remarkable consequences are linked to this leakage:

  • Discomfort: Uneven temperatures, temperature variations, and drafts manifest due to leaky ducts, causing your home to feel either stuffy or chilly, even though the HVAC system is functioning correctly.
  • Higher energy bills: Leaky ducts compel your HVAC system to exert more effort in sustaining desired temperatures, resulting in elevated energy consumption and increased utility costs.
  • Poor indoor air quality: Ducts with leaks might also attract particles from the outside environment, jeopardizing the indoor air quality and potentially causing allergies and respiratory challenges.

Duct Leakage Testing: A Proactive Approach

Duct leakage testing is a clear-cut yet efficient method to identify and measure air leaks within your duct system. An expert technician employs a blower door and specialized tools to build pressure in the duct system and quantify the volume of escaping air. CFM25 is used to express the test results, signifying the amount of cubic feet of air per minute leaking at a pressure of 25 Pascals.

Cost of Ignoring Duct Leakage in Mickleton, NJ

The financial impact of significant leaks in the ducts can be notable. As outlined in the NJ Residential Building Code, newly constructed residences must meet a duct leakage rate of no more than 8 CFM25 per 100 square feet of conditioned space. Going beyond this limit may result in:

  • Failed inspections: Houses exhibiting excessive duct leakage could encounter difficulties in passing final inspections, resulting in delays in occupancy and potentially prompting costly duct repairs.
  • Financial penalties: Some municipalities in New Jersey have started enforcing fines for homes that surpass the specified duct leakage limit.
  • Wasted energy: Leaky ducts could lead to an average annual energy waste expense of $180-$550 for homeowners in Mickleton, NJ.

Investing in Peace of Mind and Savings

Duct leakage testing presents a relatively budget-friendly solution when considering the potential costs of neglecting the problem. A thorough duct leakage test in Mickleton, NJ is affordable. However, the long-term savings in energy costs and increased comfort significantly outweigh the initial investment.

Promptly addressing duct leaks allows you to:

  • Improve home comfort: Ensure uniform warmth throughout your entire home and bid farewell to drafts and heat irregularities.
  • Reduce energy bills: Bring down your energy usage and revel in reduced utility expenses.
  • Refine indoor air quality: Make breathing more comfortable by ensuring cleaner air circulates through your living space.
  • Elevate home value: A home’s attractiveness to potential buyers is heightened when it passes a duct leakage test.

Local Energy Audits: Your Companion in Ductwork Efficiency

At Local Energy Audits, we comprehend the importance of ductwork efficiency in Mickleton, NJ homes. We specialize in offering thorough duct leakage testing services to ensure your home meets the necessary standards and functions at its peak. We also provide expert guidance on duct sealing and repair solutions, intending to minimize leaks and optimize your comfort and savings.

Secure your comfort and energy efficiency by dealing with the challenge of leaky ducts.

Connect with Local Energy Audits today and coordinate your duct leakage examination. Enjoy easy breathing, financial savings, and a truly comfortable and energy-effective home await.

Duct Leakage Test

Duct leakage testing begins by shutting all the ducts and registers with duct mask tape on both the distribution and return side.

Duct Leakage Testing

Once the registers have been sealed, link the duct tester to either the unit itself or a primary return.

Duct Leakage Test

The ducts are depressurized to 25 Pascals. In this state, a nanometer can be used to assess the duct leakage.

Interested In Our Services?

Call us at (888) 213-3975. or email us at info@localenergyaudits.com or send us a message on contact page.
